PHONE: +419.960.7447
Many of our exceptional Pinto and Paint offspring compete in Ohio and DeGraff Stables welcomes the opportunity to become a GOLD Sponsor for the PtHAO-Pinto Horse Association of Ohio; helping to promote this great group of show persons. We encourage you to support the shows and special events through the year to take part in receiving free giveaways at each show in appreciation of your support!
The Pinto Horse Association of Ohio (PtHAO) is a charter affiliated with the Pinto Horse Association of America, promoting Pinto horses, ponies, and miniature horses and offers a variety of activities and services to members and non-members, including a series of multi-judged Pinto Horse Shows held from May through September at various locations throughout Ohio.
Let’s make this the best year yet! 2023 show season here we come!
FACEBOOK: Track the Latest PtHA of Ohio Developments on FB
WEBSITE: Pinto Horse Association of Ohio
HORSE SHOWS: 2023 Schedule